seems like..!?!
"'ve been crying lately, over you
I've been dying lately, over you
and it seems like my dreams came true for someone new...
..I feel so very special when I'm with you
you love seems so trouble less and true
when you treat me with distain
even then mey love remain...
Just a dead-end night
I wonder where you are
I lost al my senses
I cant find my way
Feels like I'm fading
Cold to the bone
Won't you let me sleep
Cause I'm coming down cold
Seems like a lifetime since we kissed the sun
Seems like forever, I've been on the run
Feels like I'm fading cold to the bone
Wont you let me sleep cause I'm coming down cold
Cause I'm coming down, cold"
Postat av: Hemlig
Postat av: karman
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